What Am I Shooting With?

Most people aren't much fussed about what kind of pan their dinner was cooked in, nor should they be. But other cooks are interested. The same is true in photography; mostly only other photographers are interested in the tools that we're using. So this one is for you other photographers.

I'm still using Canon equipment and so far haven't wanted to diversify. This gear is working great, the expense is large enough without getting into other brands as well. I don't have any issues with dynamic range or pixel counts. This equipment provides more capability than my ability to surpass. When the last SLR is made and mirrorless cameras are all we can get, I might just well hang up my photographer's cap and pick another pursuit; the thought of making photography more like a video game makes my heart sad. In the beginning, I shot Olympus, and when they got rid of all their mirrors, I got rid of Olympus (one of the better moves I have made in my long life).

From left to right: The EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro IS USM, The 7D Mark II with Canon grip, the EF 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6L IS II USM, the EF 24-105mm f/4L IS USM, the 5DSr wearing the lovely EF 16-35mm f/4L IS USM and the Canon grip, the EF 70-200mm f/2.8L IS II, a Rokinon 14mm f/2.8 IF ED UMC, a Peleng 8mm f/3.5 circular fisheye, and of course, the EF 50mm f/1.4 USM. In back, my field tripod is a Manfrotto 055CX Pro4 wearing a Sirui K40x head.

Not pictured: a few Yongnuo flashes and wireless triggers, including a Yongnuo macro ring flash which becomes very useful in the spring time, and a full set of extension tubes to make the 100mm macro even more potent.

I like large, heavy cameras with lots to hold onto and little reason to let my hands tremble while shooting. I also like almost never having to think about the batteries until after I am home downloading. So for me, the grips are essential. Bonus: using a portrait grip reminds me to actually try composing in portrait orientation from time to time. This is not something that automatically occurs to most landscape shooters.

I also prefer shooting with an L bracket on my main camera, and one for the 5DS R is on the way.

An Invitation from the Port of L.A.

Recently, the Port of Los Angeles invited some local photographers to go on a boat tour around the port to see the famous Benjamin Franklin, the largest container vessel ever to visit the Americas. It was a fun trip, and hearty thanks to the officials at The Port of Los Angeles for the opportunity.

Angel's Gate lighthouse at the sea entrance to the Port of L.A.

The CMA CGM Benjamin Franklin herself. She is the largest container vessel every to visit the Americas. She is longer than the Empire State Building, and wider than a football field is long.

Cranes stand ready to unload the next cargo-laden ship.

The Ever Ursula gets unloaded.

The fireboats Master and Admiral

The stern of the Benjamin Franklin

Massive infrastructure at the port keeps our material culture humming.

Calm Wild Animals

Stuck in downtown Los Angeles waiting for Stephanie to get off work, I thought I'd pop into the Los Angeles Zoo and make a some portraits of animals. Here are a couple of them.

Salton Sea Evening

Stephanie and I spent the night at Mecca Beach on the Salton Sea over Thanksgiving weekend. I was there to photograph birds, but after the light for birds was spent, couldn't help making a starscape across the waters of the sea.

A Night on the Mesa

Standing on Hunt's Mesa late one autumn night, looking down on Monument Valley. The Milky way is bewitching out there.

The Colorado Plateau

We just returned from an epic journey across Northern Arizona and Southern Utah. We saw some amazing places and met some wonderful people! Here are some highlights. On a computer, the captions and explanations show. On a phone, not so much. Either way, enjoy!

The Great Wheel

We are just back from a grand adventure on the Colorado Plateau and I'll be showing a lot of great images from the trip here on the blog in the next several days. Until then, enjoy this time lapse I made over 8 hours the other night on Hunt's Mesa, Navajo Nation, Arizona.

The Stalwart Joshua Tree

If you see a Joshua Tree, you are in the Mojave Desert. They don't grow in any other desert. In remote places, they can grow to impressive sizes.